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A picture of a young girl sitting on a therapy couch.

Child & Adolescent Therapy Services


Children can develop anxiety symptoms & disorders just like adults. However, they may struggle to identify, understand and cope with these feelings, leading to concerning behavioural changes, unhealthy avoidance, and functional decline. Therapy can help with learning the right tools and strategies to manage symptoms. 
Common types of anxiety includes:

  • separation anxiety

  • generalised anxiety & excessive worry

  • social anxiety

  • panic attacks 

  • specific phobias, e.g. medical related procedures, vomiting, insects or animals

Difficulty adjusting to change

Adjustment to major life changes can be a stressful experience for children. Therapy can provide children a space to express and process their feelings and feel supported in times of stress. Common stressful life changes include:

  • Parental separation 

  • Grief and loss

  • Changing schools & relocation

  • Friendship difficulties

Low mood & Negative self-esteem

Negative self beliefs, insecurities, and unrealistic expectations can impact on your child's wellbeing, development and growth. Signs that children may need  support:

  • Negative self-talk e.g. "I'm stupid", "useless", "I just can't do it"

  • Significant distress when making mistakes or given feedback

  • Quick to give up when things get hard

Therapy can assist children in developing healthier self beliefs and helpful mindsets, learn growth mindset, build resilience in face of challenges and cope with their feelings of disappointment. 

 Changes in Behaviour

If you notice concerning changes in your child's behaviour and unexplained physical symptoms, it may be beneficial to get professional help to assess and manage possible mental health challenges. Signs to look out for:

  • difficulties with sleep & energy

  • changes in appetite

  • not wanting to attend school

  • complaints of stomach ache or headaches

  • frequent irritability and hostility


Children who experience prolonged bullying are more likely to feel sad, lonely, anxious and on guard. These symptoms can make it hard to for a child to feel secure & safe at school and can impact on learning and mood. Therapy can assist children in managing impacts of bullying, developing appropriate assertiveness and help-seeking skills to navigate social challenges. However, a therapist can also liaise with the school to implement strategies to increase safety for your child at school. 

Poor emotional regulation & Coping

Emotional regulation is a lifelong skill important for effectively responding to & managing emotional experiences. Children with poor emotional regulation may have:

  • Big emotional reaction to small problems

  • Meltdown or become very angry when things don't go their way

  • React impulsively to a situation and later regret their decision. 

Poor emotional regulation can impact on a child's relationship with others and their daily living. Therapy can assist with strengthening emotional regulation skills.

ADHD & Autism

Psychologist can also assist children and adolescents navigate challenges with being neurodivergent, whilst developing a healthy neurodivergent identity, using a strengths-based and neurodiversity-affirming approach to therapy

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