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Individual Therapy
When things are getting tough to deal with on your own or you notice you're not feeling and functioning as well as you're hoping, you might benefit from seeking some professional support.
Common mental health concerns for why people seek therapy:
Depression & Mood Disorders
Depression is a common mental health disorder that lead to persistent low mood, loss of interest and pleasure in daily activities. It can negatively impact on energy levels, appetite, sleep, cognitive functioning and thinking patterns. Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and loss of motivation can occur.
These symptoms can seriously impact quality of life and functioning.
Fear and Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety & excessive worry can become overwhelming, exhausting and debilitating for many people. There are many types of anxiety including:
Phobias & Specific fears
Panic attack, Panic Disorder & Agoraphobia
Social Anxiety, performance anxiety & fear of judgement in social situations
Separation Anxiety
Generalised Anxiety (excessive worry & catastrophising about everyday issues and situations)
Stress & adjustment difficulties
Acute or prolonged stress and the competing demands of life can take a toll on your mental and physical health, leading to exhaustion, burnout, apathy, irritability and stress-related physical symptoms including:
Difficulties with sleep
Muscle ache, tension & headaches
Gastrointestinal discomfort, including stomach aches & digestion problems
Difficulty concentrating
As being stressed is frequently normalised in context of studies, work or managing personal affairs, people may overlook & ignore the impact of stress on their mental and physical wellbeing.
Sleep problems and insomnia
Difficulties with sleep, including too little sleep, excessive sleep or lack of sleep routine can lead to fatigue and poor mental health. Likewise, poor mental health can cause disruptions and problems to sleep. People can get stuck in a negative cycle of deteriorating sleep and mental health.
Hence, it is beneficial to work a professional who can help assess both mental health factors and lifestyle factors which are negatively impacting your quality of sleep and to make recommendations to help you improve sleep quality, so that you can get out of negative cycles.

Other reasons to seek therapy
Child & Adolescents
Behavioural Issues
Social skills deficits
Emotional regulation problems
Being bullied and bullying others
Difficulties making friends
Poor self-esteem
Thoughts of suicide & self-harm
Mood and anxiety symptoms
Disengagement from school
Electronic Device addiction
See more child services HERE
Other Mental Health Concerns
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Body Focused repetitive behaviourse.g. Excoriation Disorder (Skin picking disorder)
Post-Traumatic Stress
Body Dysmorphia
Mental health and functional concerns related to ADHD and Autism
Relationship Difficulties
Conflict management strategies
Communication skills
Dealing with difficult family dynamics
Boundary Setting skills
Dealing with family trauma
Emotional and psychological abuse
Developing skills to identify healthy and unhealthy relationship and behaviours
Managing anxious and avoidant attachment styles
General Counselling
Strategies for relapse prevention
general management of mental wellbeing
Positive psychology - Identifying strengths & building mental assets
Building confidence
Developing social-emotional skills
Developing healthy coping skills
Please note - Erica does not see clients for the following matters:
Couples and family therapy
Drug and alcohol addiction and abuse
Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders
Clients at high risk of harm to self and others and are unable to keep themselves safe in the community.
If you or someone else is needing urgent support, please contact the below 24/7 services:
Lifeline - 13 11 14
Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 659 467
Mental Health Access Line - 1800 011 511
1800 RESPECT - National Domestic and Sexual Violence Counselling - 1800 737 732
000 - Emergency service number